Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Am I getting anti-cyber-social?

“I simply cannot face another Facebook and need a space from MySpace” – this is a quote I came across some time ago and, at that time, it described very well my feelings towards technology…Now, after 12 weeks of 2.0 learning experience I have changed my mind. I am convinced that these vehicles of social networking can be used as attractive service points for our clients, or maybe our Guests, if we follow a very heart-warming example of one of the US libraries visited by Ellen – I am writing this after Reference@the Metcalfe meeting…
I will definitely consider using social networking on-line for promotions, marketing, providing ‘ready reference’ on demand and for interaction with local communities. The main reason behind this would be, of course, to convince as many people as possible that the librarians are great at providing information and that everyone is welcome to not only ‘join up’, but also ‘join in’ and become an active part of a social network.
I must confess that I am not ready for the Second Life Library Project yet as I am still very busy and quite happy with my present life and my real library but who knows…Maybe in a distant future my avatar will haunt secret nooks and crannies of the Library Island.
Anyway, it was such a wonderful journey and although I have experienced some ‘technological’ ups and downs as well as a couple anxiety attacks along the lines: “I do not understand this” or “That is too complicated” here I am completing week 12 and having this ‘warm, fuzzy’ feeling which indicates that it was really good.
Thank you so much!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Why reinvent a wheel?

I believe that productivity software creates a unique opportunity to 'share a wheel' instead of reinventing it over and over again. Google Docs offers so many on-line productivity tools that it is really worth our while to explore and utilize some of them for our Libraries benefit. Isn't "work smarter, not harder" the latest catch-phrase? There are some battles to be fought and won, mainly with 'omnipotent' IT people but lets be optimistic...One day we will be truly co-operating and sharing knowledge and experience. Trust me, I am a librarian, after all.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

My travels...

Here it is - all my travels 'mashup' designed and quite easily trasnferred to my blog! Obviously I have learned something and became more friendly towards technology, which is great. I can also see some wonderful mashup opportunities for libraries, especially in local history/studies department. Maps of "Our main street through the ages" or even "Our Council now and then" are the best example of what can be done. Library's 'own' promotional materials such as posters, personalised reader cards, book club ID's or even volunters calendars are another area that can be explored.
I am really looking forward to utilising what I have learned so far and waiting for more...

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Podcasting the way to go?

My library has recently introduced “living books” in to our collection’ and the stories these people tell are truly amazing. If we could podcast their tales, we would be able to share these around, send them to other libraries and include our home bound clients. The same can be said about special library events, story times, authors visits and even HSC seminars and lectures. On-line books and training programs are another possibility along with specific age-groups podcast modules.
Libraries may also consider ‘value added services’ and provide selected programs on subscription for their clients.
I really liked huge variety of Orange Country Library Service podcasts and the fact that they were archived for further use.
I can see podcasting taking libraries by storm in the very near future and am quite happy to take an active part in this exciting event.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Joy & challenge of on-line reference.

“Slamming the boards” for me will be very much like extension of AskNow service in which I participate every week. I enjoy the challenge and value direct, almost personal contact with clients from all over Australia. Most of the queries I get are form school kids and easy to answer but every now and then I come across a real ‘gem’ and get ‘adrenaline rush’ while looking for the best and most effective site or database.
As to the good, old reference interview…I still try to find out as much as possible about the topic my clients are interested in and although, as Jenny Yan observed in her comment, people are less patient and expect answers straight away, I strongly believe that it pays back to know what exactly they are looking for.
There is one more thing I like about “slamming the board” – The Answer Board Librarians wiki and its exemplary answers. It is such a good example of social searching knowledge market! From time to time I just browse through the best answers and ‘explore’ some of the links used by librarians adding these to my AskNow store and then utilizing these during the session.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Delicious week 7.

Tags and social bookmarking are really great! I am quite convinced that in the future they will eventually replace subject headings and create a new easy access platform for all book-lovers and…book-worms. Tag Clouds look a little too ‘cloudy’ for my likings but, apart from that, they are good.
Technocrati is not my cup of tea and although I dutifully performed a keyword as well as advanced search for “bookmobile” I ended up with the same number of hits – 564. Searching for nswpln2008 brought back one result only – a comment from a disappointed ‘searcher’ who, like me, could not find anything…
LibraryThing was the most exciting of them all and very user friendly. I could hardly believe how easy it was to set up an account and to add to it the newest title of one of my favorite authors.
I did not have any difficulties setting up my own delicious account but could not work out how to put a link to it in my blog. I tried to follow Mylee’s examples but it did not work. I may try to do it again and would appreciate any 'how to' hints.


Friday, April 11, 2008

To embed or not to embed...

Yes, this is a question…and I must confess that I managed to do it by chance and embedded the wrong one. This time I am hoping to get it right and although the video I am posting does not have anything to do with Libraries or Librarians, except that some of us are mum’s, too, I am sure you will enjoy listening to this mum’s great ‘litany’ of do’s and do not’s aimed at her teenage son. How about filming something similar with, let say, Public Library’s Rules and Regulations?
As to YouTube or Google videos promoting Libraries, I am convinced that these can be excellent tools for advertising and highlighting our services, especially for younger clients. Funny and witty video informing HSC students about on-line resources and databases may do the trick!